جمعه, 30 شهريور 1403

مرکز آموزش عالی امام خمینی (ره)

  • ساعت : ۰۰:۰۰
  • تاريخ :
  • کد خبر : ۱۹۰۳۳۸
Holding the first educational tour on Innovation in 1402
Imam Khomeini Higher Education Center organized the first educational tour on Innovation in cooperation with the private sector in 2023.

According to the public relations report from Imam Khomeini Higher Education Center , The first educational tour of "Innovation" was held on Tuesday, May 30,2023 this year in cooperation with Toscano Innovation Club. In this tour, a group of managers and experts, faculty members of research institutes and the headquarters' experts of the Ministry of Jihad, Agriculture including the managers and experts of the vice president of agriculture, the vice president of water and soil, and Seed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII) participated in this tour.


First, Dr. Mokhtari,  the  manager of the Toscano Innovation Club, explained the innovation activities in the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture and the start-up teams and groups active in the field of innovation. In the following, Engineer Kosari, the internal manager of "High Way" innovation factory, from different unit, provided the necessary explanations for the participants about the approaches and missions, goals and plans, as well as the activities of the various active startup teams in this complex. Also, some of the officials of the start-up teams gave necessary explanations to the participants about their current activities and plans.


Then the participants visited the "High Way" innovation factory and visited different parts of this complex, including acceleration offices, service provider offices, classrooms and training and event spaces, shared work spaces and dedicated offices for startups and knowledge-based companies.

This educational tour was held with the aim of familiarizing managers and experts of research institutes and the headquarters of the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture with innovative activities and active groups in the field of innovation, especially innovative activities in the field of agriculture.

امتیاز :  ۰ |  مجموع :  ۰

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