Thursday, September 19, 2024
  • time : 10:43
  • Date : Wed Jun 19, 2024
  • news code : 210739
Soil governance in Iran and challenges ahead

According to the public relations report of Imam Khomeini Higher Education Center (IHEC); The specialized meeting "Soil governance in Iran and the challenges ahead" was held, with the presence of a group of experts, administrators and faculty members on Monday, May 31, at IHEC.

This meeting was held in line with the policies and plans of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad regarding the challenges of the soil field (pollution, destruction and erosion), the plans and macro strategies of the AREEO in the field of developing the penetration rate of technology and establishing knowledge in the agricultural sector. IHEC with the cooperation and participation of the Soil and Water Research Institute and the Jihad Agriculture Organization of Alborz province, planned this meeting.

Speakers and topics of the meetings: 1) Meskini, Assistant Professor of Khuzestan Research Center with the title "Soil governance in Iran", 2) Mallah with the title "Position of soil and water management in precise management", 3) Golzar with the title "Situation of fertilizer needs and fertilizer trade in Iran" and 4) Foromadi, with the title "Challenges of soil erosion and loss in IRAN".

The purpose of this meeting was to improve the knowledge and information of leading experts and users and to increase the penetration of new technologies to improve and understand the country's soil issues.

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